English: The task was to find a portrait photo and use it to make a Popart-inspired picture, an art form that first occured and was popular in the US in the 40's and 50's. During that time period the process of doing such an image was probably long and difficult, but today it's a lot easier, especially with Photoshop. The first thing to do is making the picture black&white. Then we click on Image -> Adjustments -> Tresholdso that the picture looks more or less like a drawing. The next thing to do is to color it however you want to. In addition, I've used an effect in order to make it look like a comic strip. This is done by clicking on Filter -> Pixelate -> Colored Halftone, and then choose the radius. The effect on the border and the text is done by going to Filter -> Distort -> Ripple. In addition, it may be smart/necessary to adjust the contrast a bit.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Popart Comic Strips
English: The task was to find a portrait photo and use it to make a Popart-inspired picture, an art form that first occured and was popular in the US in the 40's and 50's. During that time period the process of doing such an image was probably long and difficult, but today it's a lot easier, especially with Photoshop. The first thing to do is making the picture black&white. Then we click on Image -> Adjustments -> Tresholdso that the picture looks more or less like a drawing. The next thing to do is to color it however you want to. In addition, I've used an effect in order to make it look like a comic strip. This is done by clicking on Filter -> Pixelate -> Colored Halftone, and then choose the radius. The effect on the border and the text is done by going to Filter -> Distort -> Ripple. In addition, it may be smart/necessary to adjust the contrast a bit.
Monday, January 9, 2012
Beste bilder, 1. termin/ Best picture, 1st semester
En kompilasjon av bilder av den samme utsikten som jeg tok i forskjellige tider i løpet av 2011. Kirketårnet til venstre vikrer som et felles punkt for alle disse sju bildene. English: A compilation of pictures of the same view I took at different times during 2011. The church tower on the left works as a common point for all seven photographs. |
Et av de første bildene jeg tok da jeg begynte med Trykk og Foto på skolen. English: One of the very first pictures I took when I first started going to this class. |
Modell/ Model: Katina Hristova; Originalbildet er tatt av/ Original photo taken by: Paula Petrova Dette er resultatet fra prosjektet mitt "Vintage Styling" som jeg tok på mitt eget initiativ. Det var ikke jeg som tok det originale bildet, men jeg kjenner personen som tok det og jeg var der da det ble tatt. Redigeringen er imidlertid mitt eget verk (og helt lovlig siden jeg fikk eksplisitt lov til å bruke fotograferingen). Selve bildet er en kort beskrivelse på hvordan jeg har manipulert den originale fotograferingen for å få det endelige resultatet (et gammelt retrobilde). Dette er et eksempel på hvordan bruk av flere lag og innstillinger i Photoshop kan være nyttig for å gi et bilde spesielle effekter. Hver av disse fem lagene er redigert på flere måter forut for at de blir limet sammen, og etterpå er det bruk av enda mer Photoshop for avslutningsredigeringen. Hele redigeringen av bildet gjennomgår omtrent 20 faser. English: This is the result from my project "Vintage Styling" which I took on my own initiative. I wasn't the one to take the original photo, but I know the person who did and I was there when it was taken. The editing on the other hand is my work (and in addition, of course, I was allowed to do it). This image is an explanation of how I've manipulated the original photo in order to get the final result (an old retro pic). This is an example of how use of multiple layers and settings in Photoshop can be helpful in order to give the photo special effects. Each of these five layers has been edited in several ways before being put together, and after that there's more use of Photoshop for the final editing. The whole process consist of around 20 phases. |
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Linotrykk/ Linocut
Det første som man må gjøre er å velge et bilde og redigere det i Photoshop ved bruk av enten "Stamp"- eller "Torn Edges"-verktøyet. Man kan også speilvende det, men dette er ikke obligatorisk. Det spørs egentlig hva bildets komposisjon er.
English: The first thing that has to be done is to choose a pic and edit it in Photoshop using the "Stamp" or "Torn Edges" tools. It's also a good idea to mirror the image, but I don't consider it to be crucial. It's actually up to the type of composition the picture has.
English: The first thing that has to be done is to choose a pic and edit it in Photoshop using the "Stamp" or "Torn Edges" tools. It's also a good idea to mirror the image, but I don't consider it to be crucial. It's actually up to the type of composition the picture has.
Man overfører bildet på linoplaten ved bruk av blåpapir/ One copies the picture onto the plate using carbon paper |
Så begynner man å skjære ut det som skal være hvitt./ Then the parts that are going to be white have to be removed. |
Det er lurt å varme linoplaten på en varmeplate slik at den skal bli lettere å skjære i./ It's a good idea to warm up the plate in order to make it easier to work on. |
Slik så den ut til slutt./ This is how it looked like in the end. |
Ja, det kan være farlig av og til. Jeg skadet meg, men så fikk jeg et plaster av en vennlig klassekamerat. Tusen takk, Kristina! :) It can actually be dangerous of you're not careful. I hurt myself, but got a bandage from a classmate. Thanks, Kristina! :) |
Det neste som skulle gjøres var å trykke/ The next thing to do was to imprint:
Vi tar litt svartmale på en glassplate.../
We take some black paint on a glass plate... |
... og fordeler den utover med en rulle
slik at vi kan få den over hele rullen./
... and spread it over it in order to get it over the whole roller. |
Det er viktig å farge bare disse delene av linoplaten som ikke er skjært ut... jeg klarte ikke det helt./ It's important to color only the parts of the lino plate that haven't been removed... something I failed to do. |
Første forsøk/ First attempt:
Motivet overføres på ark ved å legge linoplaten i en trykkpresse/ The motive is transferred onto a piece of paper by pressing the lino plate against it. |
Men så fikk jeg farge på noen deler av bildet der jeg ikke må få den./ But I got paint on some areas that shouldn't have been painted. |
Andre forsøk:
Vi legger noen små papirbiter over de svarte områdene som vi ikke vil
overføre på papiret./
We place small pieces of paper over the painted areas that we don't wish to have on the picture. |
Vi ligger den i trykkpressen igjen og.../ We press them together once more and... |
... Yes, nå fikk vi det./ Yes, we got it right. |
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